Transparency Report

CppNorth Transparency Report 2023

The Code of Conduct Committee for this event was:

  • Mike Daum ( Cpp Toronto Board Member )
  • Kate Gregory ( Cpp Toronto Board Member )
  • Natalia Leibenzon ( Cpp Toronto Board Member )

No on-site reports were received from attendees or speakers and there were no requests for rulings by the Code of Conduct Committee during the event.

In post-event feedback, despite reminders all feedback must follow the code of conduct, one attendee provided responses that were rude. In addition, the attendee presented as fact some opinions about gender that would have been very hurtful to many of our attendees, speakers, and organizers. This attendee was notified that their responses were in violation of the code of conduct, and these responses were not included in the overall feedback summary.

In discussion of this topic, an organizer recalled that the rope barrier for the urinals in the all-gender washroom was moved at one point in the conference. The organizer restored the barrier upon discovering this, as a preventative measure. No further action is needed. The opening remarks section that explains the all gender bathroom is going to be reworded next year to include more education about the need and motivation for this arrangement.

The goal of the CppNorth Code of Conduct Committee is to ensure the safety and the feeling of safety of the attendees of CppNorth. Please direct any related concerns in the future to




July 20-23, 2025


CppNorth Group